Feel like a kid again...
...waiting in a line for gas. Just like in my mom's Gremlin X in the 70s.
Welcome to the miscellaneous thoughts and musings of me, BK! Enjoy!
John LeMasney told me about this video. Although I use Safari as my primary Web browser, I have no problems with Firefox (at least the creators made Safari the least annoying of the other three browsers)...
Well, Katie and I were supposed to wait on line among the "Rentheads" on Monday for a lottery to win one of 17 pairs of $20 tickets to a special 10th anniversary concert of "Rent." But due to scheduling conflicts, we didn't go.
NOTE: The previous post regarding my latest musical creation wasn't functioning properly so I reposted it with a comment from Christian included (because it wasn't showing up in the original post...at least it wasn't for me). Since I updated this post about the same time Christian posted his comment, I'm almost inclined to believe that the simultaneous actions of my editing the post and his commenting on it somehow caused a glitch in the publishing process...but that's just a theory.
Nice song Brian! Can't wait to hear the finished version. Is that piano a Yamaha CP70 sample? Me like.
Posted by Christian to Tandem with the Random at 4/23/2006 08:02:53 PM
Last night, Christian Beach and I saw the Tony Levin Band play at The Saint in Asbury Park, NJ. Wow! What a great freakin' show! Never thought I would hear Genesis' "Back in NYC" from "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" performed live, but Tony & Co. made it happen.
Philips device could force TV viewers to watch ads | CNET News.com: "Viewers would be released from the freeze only after paying a fee to the broadcaster. The freeze would be implemented on a program-by-program basis, giving viewers a choice at the start of each one.
While Americans will get to see one of the best "Doctor Who" episodes of the 2005 season, "Dalek," on SciFi Channel tonight, those across the pond in the U.K. will get to see the first episode of the 2006 season when the episode titled "New Earth" premieres on BBC One Saturday evening.
The guy who publishes SanDiegoSerenade.com recreated Game 6 of the 1986 World Series between the Red Sox and Mets using the classic video game, RBI Baseball, and the actual play-by-play audio from Vin Scully.
Well, I moved to a new seat late in Game 1 of the doubleheader (see previous post for my original seat location) and took these pics.
I bought a cheap seat ticket for today's Dodgers-Phils doubleheader. It's also Dollar Dog Day thanks to yesterday's rain out. The cost of my ticket & 2 hot dogs...$14.
Saw Ben Folds at Bucknell University last night...and saw this Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips in Danville, PA, this morning...such a rare sight these days.
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I was reading this AP story about Rep. Cynthia McKinney's apology for her role in a recent incident involving her and a Capitol polic officer when I stumbled upon one of the "cardinal sins" of journalism/grammar in the 10th paragraph:
Rep. Mel Watt, the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, has had no statement on the incident. The caucus' silence stands in stark contrast to it's investigations of past scuffles between the U.S. Capitol Police and members.
Just came across this AP story about a somewhat peculiar oddity that will occur overnight.