A new demo...now with a bridge
NOTE: The previous post regarding my latest musical creation wasn't functioning properly so I reposted it with a comment from Christian included (because it wasn't showing up in the original post...at least it wasn't for me). Since I updated this post about the same time Christian posted his comment, I'm almost inclined to believe that the simultaneous actions of my editing the post and his commenting on it somehow caused a glitch in the publishing process...but that's just a theory.
Well, I guess the song-in-progress below is somewhat inspired by seeing the Tony Levin band perform earlier this week...I started playing around with a bass line and turned it into something a little heavier than my more recent attempts at songwriting.
Yes, it still needs a lot of work and, obviously, there are no lyrics yet. But considering I only worked on it for a few hours this weekend, I think it has come together rather nicely up to this point.
The working title, "Carpe Diem," was borrowed from something I wrote around 1992 or so. There were some similarities between the two songs so I just slapped that title on this new demo. However, I am pretty sure "Carpe Diem" won't be the actual title of this song once it is finished. But enjoy this in-progress version of "Carpe Diem" for now...
Nice song Brian! Can't wait to hear the finished version. Is that piano a Yamaha CP70 sample? Me like.
Posted by Christian to Tandem with the Random at 4/23/2006 08:02:53 PM
Since you asked on my blog, I thought I'd reply here. Yes, I listened to 75% of your song earlier today. It sounded like an alpha version, so it didn't grab me. The bass riff is great, but for me, it's too short in duration for your song. Without more instrumentation, it becomes overly repetitive. The song sounds like something from your past. I prefer the music you write that is more artistically challenging and modern, be it more acoustic or otherwise. Since I know you'll embellish it, I'll listen again at Rev 23b :)
I just listened to your song again. I have to make a correction to my previous post. It's not that the bass riff is too short, it's that it has no white space - it's like reading the text in an article or a book... not like reading the text in a poem. I think the bass riff needs to include some white space - it would give the organ a chance to be heard in it's own regard. 'How about trying to play the instruments off one another rather than running them in parallel. 'just a suggestion.
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