The best part about this year's Super Bowl...

I was at a party where everybody seemed to be mocking the fact that Prince was the halftime act. I kept on responding to these people that Prince is an incredible musician and songwriter who was going to put on one of the best Super Bowl halftime shows ever.
Well, I think he did just that...and the AP's Douglas Rowe. and CNN's Todd Leopold seem to agree.
(By the way, some of the comments to Todd Leopold's post are ridiculous...Nickelback and Bon Jovi BETTER than Prince? C'mon...and all the wannabe metal guitarists who don't understand you don't need to constantly use your strumming hand on a guitar to get it to produce notes...PUH-leaze! These are people that make me want that persistent asteroid to hit the Earth at some point.)
Remember the days when the Super Bowl halftime show consisted of what seemed to be 35 pop stars on one stage at one time? I always thought that was the dumbest thing. It would have been so much better to get one huge act and let that act do its thing.
So maybe some good has come out of the Justin-Timberlake-induced-Janet-Jackson wardrobe malfunction. Ever since that happened, the Super Bowl has had singular acts during halftime...before Prince this year, there were Paul McCartney in 2005 and the Rolling Stones in 2006.
And on a rainy night in Miami, it just seemed appropriate that Prince's show finished with "Purple Rain."
(Watch this while you can...YouTube had to take down a bunch of Viacom videos recently and, of course, the Super Bowl was on Viacom's CBS...2/7/07 UPDATE: Of course, the old video is gone, but I found this one at Daily Motion...let's see how long this one lasts.)
(Photo credit: AP)
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