Tour de BK '06 RIde #6
It was already hitting 90 degrees today at the Jersey Shore when I departed for my fifth 21-mile ride of the summer and my sixth overall at 9:45 a.m., but I managed to put in a pretty good ride that I completed in 1 hour, 22 minutes for an average speed of 15.4 miles per hour.
The ride also put me at a total of 116 miles for the summer, leaving me 84 miles shy of my goal of 200 miles by the end of August.
What was most encouraging about today is that I didn't rest (except at stop lights and to cross busy highways, etc.). I usually stop for a few minutes when I reach the Manasquan Inlet before starting the return trip, but today I just rode through and didn't get fatigued except for one little stretch of the return trip after "dragging" another cyclist I encountered when I had to wait a few seconds for the Mantoloking Bridge to close. He dragged me down the bridge and then for another mile or two, so I returned the favor for a couple of miles before I made a left turn and he continued going straight.
Oh, on that one street with the "your speed is..." radar sign, I hit 22 I'm getting closer to another goal of going over the street's 25 mph speed limit.
For a refresher, here is my route...

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