Anyone know where I can buy a submarine?

UPDATED - June 29, 2006; 7:30 a.m.
The above graphic is from the National Weather Service's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service shows the current level of the Delaware River in Trenton, N.J., and its projected level within the next couple of days.
As you can see, the Delaware is currently over what is considered flood level, which is set at 20 feet. Even though the worst of the rain and storms have moved out of the area, flood water from areas in upstate Pennsylvania and New York are expected to spill into the Delaware and cause it to rise to as high as 25.1 feet by Friday morning.
Why am I going on and on about all this? Well, the Delaware is between my home and my job...which is why it took me an hour and 40 minutes to make what is about a 13-mile trip this morning. And I expect it's going to be worse the next couple of days.
Of course, it could be worse. I could live by the Delaware and have my dwelling submerged in flood waters like so many unfortunate people in this area and in the Northeast in general, at this point.
Hmm...I guess I shouldn't be complaining.
One other comment, though...Happy Birthday, Katie!
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